Reception: 16/07/2016

Acceptance: 08/10/2016

Dr. Sila Chávez
Head of the Humanities and Education Research Center, CIHE Editor of the Electronic Journal of Humanities, Education and Mass Communication, REDHECS


We present to you the 24th Edition, Year 12 of the Electronic Journal of Humanities, Education and Social Communication, REDHECS, edited by the Center of Researching in Humanities and Education, CIHE, of the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE.

This edition opens with an Editorial written by the Rector of this House of Higher Studies, Dr. Oscar Belloso Medina, who exposes the vision of URBE at an international level. I faithfully believe in the globalization of education; this has led me to integrate a university that grows and expands in the world of technology and internet, giving way to the creation of URBE International with academic presence in several countries of Latin America, such as Peru, Dominican Republic, Panama, Chile and Colombia.

We are strategic allies of Virtual Educa, an initiative of multilateral cooperation in education and innovation, for inclusion and development, attached to the Organization of American States, OAS, Washington-based D.C.

From today, students from any part of the world will be able to connect to URBE University, from their homes, offices or any place where they are, to study in English or Spanish via Internet, without loss of time and at any time with the valuable accompaniment of on-line bilingual tutors, and with any device: cell phone, laptop, tablet or computer.

They participate in this special issue in the English language, outstanding researchers who approach the human problem with the scientificity of the refereed publications. Two papers make up the research published in this edition. Initiating with Luis Vera, of the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela, Desiree Arias, Teacher of the Ministry of Popular Power for Education in Venezuela and Yaneth Acosta of the National Experimental University Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela in his work titled HANDLING OF CONFLICTS BY MEANS OF THE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE PARISH PULIDO MÉNDEZ, argue that managers almost never handle conflicts properly and almost never use school management in conflict resolution, so they make recommendations aimed at managing conflicts through school management.

Researchers Deninson Cruz and Orlando Hernández, both from the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, Maracaibo, Venezuela, in their research entitled MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AS A STRATEGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY TEACHER COMPETENCES, conclude that multiple intelligences are useful for the development of the teacher's competences, this would contribute to the expansion of knowledge in students, and therefore contributes to the improvement of their learning processes, resulting in that teachers maintain a very high level of multiple intelligences, as well such as teacher competencies.

Eight theoretical articles that are part of the body of this edition continue, beginning with the authors Eugenia Di Bella, Rafael Lugo and Deynis Luque, all of the University of Zulia, Venezuela, in their INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDELINES FOR ENGLISH TEACHING AS A THIRD LANGUAGE (L3) TO DEAF STUDENTS, propose didactic guidelines that aim at a better inclusion and participation of students with deafness in the educational life for the improvement of the teaching - learning processes of English as L3.

Subsequently, the students of the sciences Juliana Paz, Julettvi Paz and Omar El Kadi, of the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, Maracaibo, Venezuela, in their work, STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONIN IN ITS MANAGERIAL VISION AS A TOOL TO ACHIEVECAUDAL AUTOTOMY, requires the implementation of managerial and labor actions based on strategic communication and caudal autonomy to integrate the strategic change in order to achieve the transformation of intelligent organizations, to get rid of schemas, obsolete visions, traditional human resource management paradigms that they prevent flexibility, adaptation, innovation, as well as the use of intangible assets, intellectual capital, managerial intelligence and ethics of human talent, therefore the need to revitalize organizations from the managerial vision of leaders, executive staff, employees, his human talent and groups of external interest.

Researchers José Isaías Salas Universidad de Oriente, UDO, Venezuela and Adriana Díaz Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela, in their study called DIRECTIVE SKILLS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AS KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISES, point out that the management of the knowledge is a process that every organization that wants to keep pace with changes in the environment must manage optimally, where its dynamism and teaming can create planned, coordinated creative strategies to generate, maintain and integrate their intellectual capital, favoring the use of the knowledge to the benefit of the collective good, creating a culture for change and innovation; for this, educational managers as an individual must internalize the fact that they require a set of specific leadership skills developed and improved every day through practice, through the experience and evaluation of the aspects found in them.

On the other hand, the researcher, Yoleny Suarez from the University of Zulia. FACES-CESPE, in his work called ECOSTRATEGIES AS A MECHANISM FOR LEVELING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION, that the term "eco-strategies" refers to the link between the productive action of the organization (strategies) and their effects on the environment, whose effectiveness requires the integration of all the actors involved, with sufficient training and training to promote a high commitment ecological practice to manage any challenge (internal and external) towards the reduction of negative effects on the environment, where environmental education represents a potentiating element for its development.

Next, the researchers Norma Molero of the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela; Gladys Contreras, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt, UNERMB, Venezuela and Ramón Casanova of the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela present their work entitled KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL FOR THE PRODUCTIVITY OF RESEARCH IN THE UNIVERSITY SECTOR, emphasizing the role of research that is a pillar during the development, evolution and productivity of knowledge, knowledge management is the essential tool focused on optimizing a set of activities that entail the capture, creation and dissemination of knowledge in university organizations to improve the quality of the institution. At the end, some lines of action and final reflections are presented, answering the question raised.

Later, Jesús Alfonso Arocha, a researcher at the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela, developed a study called EFFECTIVES HABITS FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS, noting that leaders should foster empathy to facilitate decision making, recognize the emotions of its collaborators and clients in order to open channels of communication assertively, this will allow you to generate learning to manage conflicts better. Therefore, it is recommended that managers in the credit card business continue to strengthen communication skills and techniques to overcome the physiological and emotional changes that may impact on the service and objectives set by the Universal Banking.

Researchers José Pradilla from the Ministry of Education of Tolima, Colombia continue; Oscar Belloso and José Barboza both from the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela; who put forward in their study FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ICT IN LEARNING TECHNOLOGY MEDIATION, that the simple endowment of technological resources in educational institutions does not guarantee the effectiveness of ICT in the mediation of learning. In this sense, it is considered fundamental to formulate a strategic plan that takes into account social, economic-technological and cultural factors in order to achieve effective technological mediation.

Culminating with the theoretical investigations is the study of Mireya Pérez Núñez and Rosa Hayde Houston both researchers of the University Institute of Technology of Maracaibo, Venezuela; and Mildred Molina, General Counsel of Bonda, Colombia called HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF JUSTICE OF PEACE AS ALTERNATIVE MECHANISM OF JUSTICE IN VENEZUELA, which concluded in the necessity of imperatively instituting a pluralistic mechanism of alternative justice. As for the little support that has been given to the Justice of the Peace, it could be said that there is not much interest in developing a legal pluralism, since 2002 there have been no elections for justices of the peace and basically it seems that a monistic conception prevails in our juridical reality, with a contradiction between what is stipulated by the constitutional precepts of 1999, the Organic Law of Community Peace Justice (2012) and the leading role that it has been intended to grant to citizen participation in all spheres of power.

Finally, two essays are presented, the first titled TIME: AN INCISIVE QUESTION FOR THE HUMAN BEING by researcher Vanderlei Altoé Fazolo, religious priest of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Brazil. Who performs an in-depth analysis of the close relationship of time and eternity; marked by the difference where eternity travels its horizon of existential extension without any changes, whereas this is inevitable for the time that constantly is involved in a process of mutation. It is concluded that time belongs to man, to being-there, who lives in the presence of his soul and his conscience; for man is a historical being who opens himself to questions and reflections, reaching answers from his interpretive capacity as to being in time.

The last essay that completes the edition of REDHECS, by the author Cayón Padilla of the University Institute of Technology of Maracaibo, Venezuela and Gerardo Salas Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, UNICA, Venezuela denominated as CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE WORK IS THERE A PHILOSOPHY IN OUR AMERICA? FROM AUGUSTO SALAZAR BONDY answers the question, is there a philosophy in our America? to make authentic philosophy has to be sought by the ways of overcoming the causes of inauthenticity, that said otherwise we must cancel the situation of underdevelopment, dependence and domination in order to overcome philosophical inauthenticity. However, this answer should not be interpreted in a deterministic way, since it recognizes at the same time that philosophy should not be doomed to wait passively for that historical change. It links culture with underdevelopment, dependence, and domination, so it raises a culture of liberation through which this reality transcends. It also links cultural inauthenticity with an underdeveloped society. The dominant-dominated power relations that produce an inauthentic culture do not correspond in the present epoch.

Friend’s readers, we continue to publish the productions of researchers with the certainty that they will be of great interest to the national and international scientific community. We extend an invitation, to the researchers to publish the result of their works, in our Electronic Journal of Humanities, Education and Social Communication, REDHECS.