Recepción: 16/02/2017

Revisión: 22/04/2017

Aceptación: 22/04/2017

Luis Vera Guadrón
Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, URBE, Venezuela /

Desiree Arias Pereira
Teacher of Popular Power Ministry for the Education, Venezuela.

Yaneth Coromoto Acosta
Coordinator of the Department of Social and Legal Formation of UNERMB, Venezuela


Las instituciones educativas tienen el reto de responder con éxito a las demandas de una sociedad cada día más exigente y cambiante, para ello deben realizar grandes esfuerzos orientados a la reestructuración funcional y formal en el manejo de recursos materiales y de las relaciones interpersonales a fin de alcanzar la calidad, en tal sentido, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar el manejo de conflictos mediante la gerencia escolar en las instituciones educativas de la Parroquia Pulido Méndez del municipio Alberto Adriani del estado Mérida; se fundamentó teóricamente con los aportes de Roca (2008), Carrillo (2009), Kinicki y Kreitner (2012), entre otros. La metodología fue cuantitativa, el tipo de investigación descriptiva, con diseño no experimental, transeccional y de campo. La población se conformó por cinco (05) directivos y 59 docentes. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta, el instrumento un cuestionario de 42 ítems; validado por juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad se calculó por el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach cuyo valor fue de 0,942, indica que es altamente confiable para su aplicación. Los datos se procesaron con la estadística descriptiva. Como resultado se obtuvo una media de 2,10 para el manejo de conflictos y 1,92 en gestión escolar, ubicadas en la categoría baja; también se obtuvo baja presencia en tipos de conflicto, estrategias para la resolución de conflictos, estilos del gerente escolar y en estilos de la comunicación de la gerencia escolar; se concluyó que los directivos casi nunca manejan los conflictos adecuadamente y casi nunca utilizan la gerencia escolar en la resolución de conflictos, por lo que formulan recomendaciones dirigidas a manejar los conflictos mediante la gerencia escolar en las instituciones educativas de la Parroquia Pulido Méndez del municipio Alberto Adriani del estado Mérida.

Palabras clave: manejo de conflictos, gerencia escolar, estilos del gerente escolar, instituciones educativas.


The educational institutions have the challenge of answering successfully to the demands of a society every more demanding day and money changer, for it they must realize big efforts faced to the functional formal restructuring in the handling of material resources and interpersonal relationships in order to get quality. The objective of the present article is to spread the results of the research directed to analyze the handling of conflicts by means of the school management in the educational institutions of the parish Pulido Mendez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State; theoretically based on Roca (2008), Carrillo (2009), Kreitner y Kinicki (2012), among others .It was used quantitative methodology, non-experimental design,transectional and field research. The population was of 59. teachers.The technique of data collection was the survey, the instrument questionnaire of 42 items; validated by expert opinion and reliability wascalculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient whose value was 0.942, indicates that is highly reliable for its application. The data is processed with statistics descriptive. As result is obtained an average of 2.10 for the handling of conflicts and 1.92 in management school, located in the low category, it was also obtained obtained low presence in conflict types, strategies for the resolution ofconflicts, the school management style; it was concluded that executives almost never manage those conflicts properly means management using by executives almost never handled the conflicts properly through the management with the principles of the management school in the educational institutions of the parish Pulido Mendez of the municipality Alberto Adriani of the Merida State

Keywords: conflict management, school management, school management styles, school institutions.


Gli istituti scolastici sono chiamati a rispondere con successo alle esigenze di una società sempre più esigente giorno e cambiare, perché deve fare grandi sforzi per la ristrutturazione funzionale formale nella gestione delle risorse materiali e relazioni per raggiungere qualità in questo senso l'obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di diffondere i risultati della ricerca finalizzata ad analizzare la gestione dei conflitti attraverso la gestione scolastica negli istituti scolastici statali Parish Méndez Pulido Alberto Adriani Comune, Merida; teoricamente basato contributi Roca (2008), Carrillo (2009), Kreitner e Kinicki (2012), tra gli altri. La metodologia è stata quantitativa, di tipo descrittivo di ricerca, non sperimentale, progettazione transazionale e campo. La popolazione era formata da 59 insegnanti. La tecnica di raccolta dei dati è stata l'indagine, uno strumento questionario 42 itemes; convalidato da giudizio e l'affidabilità degli esperti è stato calcolato il coefficiente Cronbach alfa, il cui valore è stato 0.942, che indica che è altamente affidabile per la vostra applicazione. I dati sono stati elaborati con statistiche descrittive. Come risultato è stato ottenuto una media di 2,10 per la gestione dei conflitti e gestione della scuola 1,92, che si trova nella categoria inferiore; bassa presenza in tipi di conflitto, le strategie per la risoluzione dei conflitti, gli stili di dirigente scolastico e stili di comunicazione di gestione della scuola è stato anche ottenuto; hanno concluso che i manager gestiscono raramente correttamente conflitto attraverso la gestione della scuola, le raccomandazioni per la gestione dei conflitti con i principi di gestione della scuola negli istituti scolastici Parish Méndez Pulido Alberto Adriani Comune, Stato Merida sono state fatte.

Parole chiave: gestione dei conflitti; gestione della scuola; stili di dirigente scolastico; istituzioni educative.


The educational institutions have turned out to be affected by a set of internal and external factors that demand significant changes, for the need to answer successfully to the demands of a society every more demanding and changeably, This has led them to realizing big efforts of improvement towards the achievement of the quality, adopting new concepts and theoretical valid schemes face towards the functional formal restructuring in the handling of material resources and human, especially the interpersonal relationships of the staff, there are important aspects that an educational manager must handle in the management of his functions.

Consequently, the organizational success is difficult to manage without the individual excellence and of the handling of strategies of the groups or work crews. Thereby the management positions demand much more than technical competition, it needs social skills and a leadership that allows him to mobilize groups and teams of persons in the achievement of the target. In the same way, it is necessary to join the persons in common intentions since its target is to reach the academic institutional excellence, in order to answer to the demands of the environment.

It should be added that the dynamic generated in educational institutions leeds to the existence of conflicts as to the change of routine or paradigm on the way to carry the activities for the achievement of organizational objectives that generate different perceptions and activities to be performed, so the conflict arises between the main ocial actors of the educational organizations and this form part sometimes necessary, other undesirable by their demonstration and consequences of the human daily life. However all situations of contradiction does not have need of get to a conflict, they are expressions that share close existential dimensions.

With reference to the above, the conflicts generated by the human dynamics, are due to several factors, among them, according to Alcover (2011) to the complex social, economic and technological phenomenon; given the enormous and diverse number of individuals that are part of the institutions. It was despite the opening of spaces to involve individuals with equal opportunities: it is inevitable increased conflict or clashes between them, those who perceive their differences such as irreconcilable and antagonistic.

For this reason, must have the will and the ability to deal with them, manage and slove them though assertive and responsible school management. In this regard, all organizations in certain moments are generated conflicts among its members, causing an action by the manager to determine the type of conflict presented and how it should be approached. The emergency of conflicts is a normal and ordinary situation in the context of the social life, it is an undisputable fact in the relations between gropus or institutions, or in the society, therefore is necessary treat it an assertive way.

In this sense, the organizations are faced to conflict as Neves and others (2008, p 181) said “Antagonism between individuals or groups due to the confrontation of divergent opinions, interests or aspirations”. (antagonism between of views, interests or divergent aspirations).It is considered the conflict as an interactive process full of incompatibility and disagreement that generate concern as a result of social interaction among teachers, students, executives and community, therefore, required differences arise in the process of the provision of the education service, since various individuals or groups of interest with differently perceptions, ideas and ways of acting.

On this issue, in the academic organizations at certain times conflicts among its members are generated by different manners, either between students, teachers, managers, representatives or other, which deviate from the ethical-moral, constitutional principles such as coexistence, solidarity, cooperation, unity, tolerance, respect, among others. Then, that must live with problematic situations in all areas, levels and fields of human life actions, without affecting neither the coexistence values nor the quality of the organizational objectives.

Accordingly, conflict management according to Roca (2008, p. 219), it constitutes "an important way to obtain the results of quality in education". So, a manager have to promote a continuous learning, differential and committed to attending the education to get a better result according to a professional teaching activity, due it stand out the conditions, situations and constructive engagement approach facts where the problems, conflicts are treating to express the different types of problems to and conflicts, minimizing adverse consequences that affect the quality in the provision of the service. Consequently, when conflicts arise in the field of education is the manager school that has the responsibility of going you solution to the generated problems through assertive communication not only deals with problems but starting from its identification, understanding and discover its components of voltage. Because of this, it is important to have the ability to manage conflict, to cultivate general competences (reflexive-creative, cooperative social interaction and self-direction or self-management) means of dialogic, expressive and inquiring methods that allows to approach the problematic contexts.

It should be noted, according to, Torrego y Galán (2008),that conflict mediation as a factor for the alternative solution of the same demand a Deep formation on the topic. Among the results obtained in their study, they found that the average achieved by the annually formal mediations in each center was 6, 2 ranging between zero and fifteen. Regarding to the spontaneous mediation which reached an average of 22,6obtuvieron un 15.0.Thesevalues mean that there is a high participation in formal and informal mediations therefore they recommended ongoing training in conflict resolution.

On this purpose, in Latin-American countries, specifically in Colombia, Castro – Carrasco, et al (2012), believe that educational institutions as a reflection of the social dynamism, experience different types of conflicts with different nature and unequal magnitudes. Supervisors, managers and teachers must mediate conflicts in several levels: students, parents, representatives or responsible and with the community in general. Not arriving to take appropriate decisions to resolve differences, then, there must be recourse to the rights set forth in the legal system of the country.

Besides, in Venezuela the school managers, according Hernández and others (2011) must have the knowledge, skills and experience to take right decisions in the conflicts resolution, without take care of the amount of information; they should be creative, logical or rational decisions where the parts involved be considered. They had to be, not only good administrators but leaders, because the inability in the application of these qualities, harm both the performance of the institutions as the individuals comprising the same.

It’s clearly that from 1998, with the implementation of the National Basic Curriculum in Venezuela began an educational transformation. It included Classroom Pedagogic Project, updated Learning Project and School Pedagogic Project, then, Comprehensive Community Educative Project, later Productive Partner Project. All of these projects led to transcendental changes in the levels and modalities of the educational system, with citizen participation as a fundamental mechanism for the definition of sustainable public policies in education. This situation is the source of conflicts between educational actors, because it changes the way to teach and the school management.

In consequence, by assuming the commitments and challenges imposed by the educational organization to guarantee quality management, ,the school manager must have a high level of training, to be able to handle different situations in the exercise of their functions, where mediate and resolve conflicts .

According to the previous ideas, it is necessary to analyze the conflict management through school management, with a view to use strategies and styles of communication that hallows the manager to visualize the appropriate resource to be applied to the situation of conflicts generated in educational institutions of the Parish Pulido Méndez. Seen in this way, school management is defined by Carrillo (2009, p. 29)

“as one of the decision-making bodies on the country's educational policies, carries out educational policies in each educational unit, adapting them to its context, particularities and the needs of its educational community.”

In this part the educational institutions must make their previous diagnosis, in order to intervene properly. In the sense, the school management can be a way between members of an institution to understand the relationship between negotiation and conflict management, since it as important value, where the manager acts as a mediator in order to maintain a balance and reach agreements without affecting the emotions and interests of those involved in a specific problem thus achieving positive attitudes in the future that involve subjects to work as a team in the teaching process in order to achieve the quality of the organization.

Attending to the previous, it is undisputed that school managers must have a profile with different features that allow him to be assertive, considerate and respectful of the climate of their conversations, flowing with good humor, joy and enjoy in your human interventions based on continuous learning for successful competition. In the same way the manager must carry out pedagogical leadership focused on the quality of teaching and in the exercise of their functions to ensure the handling of disputes consistent with the educational purposes of the institutions.

What is more, Urdaneta (2014) in an research, whose objective was to analyze the relationship between decision making and conflict resolution for educational managers within the Venezuela legal framework in the San Francisco School 3 of Zulia State, resulted an average of 3.37 in a decision making, while complete resolution 3,3 moderate level of presence, they obtained correlation of 0,848 at a significant level.

The previous result, indicates that there is a relationship highly positive and statistically significant, since increasing the decision-making increases the resolution of conflicts and vice versa, thus formulated guidelines theoretical for the optimization of the decision-making and conflict resolution in the Venezuelan legal framework carried out by the educational managers of the institutions of the school group San Francisco 3, Zulia state.

In fact, decision-making in educational organizations constitutes an important factor in the conduct of the school in the achievement of its objectives, since it should promote dialog open, sincere and assertive in the resolution of the conflicts that arise in the implementation of activities aimed at teaching, to the solution of the dilemmas that arise in the form of providing the service to society.

Apart from that, Montiel’s research (2012), intitled: “Educative Estrtegic Management and organizational conflicts in The Subsystem of Bolivarian Primary Education" in the municipality Jesus Enrique Losada of Zulia state, he obtained that there is a significant relationship between the school management and the management of conflict, which indicates that increasing the non-execution of the school management of the director, also increase organizational conflicts in educational institutions studied. In this regard Montiel recommended promoting the pleasant working climate, benefiting the cooperative method, joint work and the implementation of the values, habits, customs, oriented to lead in the quality of organizational service.

On this matter , motivated by the situation of individual organizational, functional and dysfunctional conflicts among teachers, managers, researchers in non-systematic observations made by using an approach to the population of the context of study, it was found that in the Bolivarian Educational Units (UEB) Josefa Camejo and Brisas of the Chama of the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, the problem manifests itself in the following way: first, the staff of the institution submits interpersonal issues, makes comments and statements about internal affairs, without having accuracy of the veracity of the facts, to the detriment of the interpersonal relations.

Another aspect to consider is interpersonal relationships inadequate, because there is little respect about the personal life of the teachers, among colleagues and with the manager, criticisms and mutter, in addition to influence the moral values as the lack of tolerance and respect. It was also noted that the treatment referred to the load time at work is differentiated, to a group of teachers is required position alternates to accommodate students, while another group close to managers, the level of demand is less, which represents a state of uncertainty and discord, lack of team work, necessary in the achievement of the institutional objectives with high levels of quality.

The outlined scenario, brings situations in which are unfit interpersonal relations produced by filtered information from the school management toward the staff and vice versa, causing discontent, low motivation, disintegration, apathy, lack of commitment and sense of belonging, which causes disrespect to the authorities and little credibility. In addition, the differences among managers, causes confusion among the staff and divisions, it is not known to who follow or abide by, because the order of one contradicts the other.

Therefore, to continue the conflict situation of divergence between the members of the school, the problems of communication between the team members and managers continue appealing to fear as a tactic persuasive, thereby reducing the motivation and generating negative stimulation growing, so that the confidence in the school managers be diminished, emerging feelings of rejection and generates a low performance in the achievement of the institutional objectives.

It is clear then, that many of the directors in the primary schools, require skills and knowledge in the management of conflicts in the achievement of the institutional objectives expressed in the guidelines of the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (2011), in the legal regulations expressed in the Organic Law of Education (2009), a situation that not to be improved, will continue to affect the quality of the service in the formation of the society that are offered to the Community, as well as in the relations established with the environment, required by the Venezuelan society.

In this regard, the objective of this article is to disclose the results of the research aimed to analyze the management of conflict through the school management in the educational institutions in the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, in order to generate relevant recommendations aimed at promoting solutions with academic, managerial and scientist criteria, in pro of the quality of the educational service provided the environment and society.



The handling of conflicts, according to Roca (2008, p. 219), constituye una de las estrategias adecuadas en la resolución de divergencias, pues se considera como “una vía importante para obtener resultados superiores de calidad en la educación”.

Therefore, a manager should promote a differentiated, continuous and committed learning that addresses the education, in order to achieve in its performance, a higher result, in correspondence with the demands of the professional pedagogical activity that characterizes the labor context.

In this sense, managers of educational organizations must seek alternatives to handle conflicts, so that the parties concerned to reach meaningful agreement. Accordingly, Coria (2008, p. 65), says

“the human being as a social entity possesses an undeniable potential for conflict, which becomes reality to a greater or lesser extent according to the level of social interaction with other individuals”.

At this point, it reflects that people as a social being and autonomous of their thoughts and decisions tend to be more prone to divergences between ideas, when shared with other individuals, this leads to form a tense atmosphere and if it is not handled properly could become chaos, starting from this condition, therefore the subject of the conflict has had great force on interpersonal relations. Due to, Cortés y Pérez (2011) they claim:

“…Most of the conflicts are due to problems in communication, arguing that people generally use forms of communication that are not affective, not very conciliatory or too rational; resulting in poor communication where what is wanted is transmitted, but is not taken into account. Mind the way it is done. (p. 101)".

In that case it is important to improve the capacity and the awareness, and thus the conflicts can be faced and resolved with effort, focusing them as a means of emotional relief if you work constructively and without blaming the other. The agreement has to be the way to settle conflicts, it is key for the permanence of the relationships between the people involved in the conflict; therefore the manager must identify the types of conflict in order to select strategies in the solution.


The conflict is an interpersonal process which arises by disagreements on the goals or the methods that are used to achieve such purposes Baena (2012, p. 89) defines it as "the opposition between opposing impulses or desires”. In general terms, it means the set of obstacles and problems that may occur during the process to achieve a goal. In fact, conflicts can be intrapersonal, when processed to the interior of an individual, interpersonal, to arise between two persons, and intergroup when they emerge between different departments of any organization, or between the working groups.

Therefore, in the organizations there are, according to Jones and George (2006, p. 128) several types of conflicts “between people, within groups and between organizations, understanding the differences between these types helps managers and managers manage organizational conflicts” this evidence that in organizations there is incompatibility between the goals of the interest groups, this situation prevents from different positions that its goals are met.

On this matter, Ivancevich and others (2006, p. 83), believe that conflicts can be “functional or dysfunctional depending on how they arise, whether it improves and serves the performance of the organization, and on the contrary, if the present situation becomes an impediment or obstacle to the functioning”; they can generate disadvantage of the individual, group or organization. Therefore, the conflict is necessary in all organizations due to power relationships.

Consequently, conflicts according to Lussier and Achúa (2005, p. 48), are

“the limitations that impede the achievement of organizational goals are therefore negative, however, they can be positive if the disagreement or the opposition supports the achievement of objectives”.

In this sense, the conflict should be channeled in order to be able to contribute to the performance of the organization.

The types of conflict can be defined on the basis of the effects that are generated in an organization, as Chruden (2005, p. 111), can be"at the individual, functional and dysfunctional organizational level". They occur when in the work performance a contrast between their own interests and those of the institution, by limiting the effectiveness in job performance.


The strategies for the resolution of conflicts, according to Quinn (2005, p. 201) “are the mechanisms of action that carry with them commitments of emphasis and resources to implement a basic mission”. It is to say, they are patterns of goals, which have been designed and initiated with the purpose of give the organization an unified address, they also are the purpose of resolving the conflicts in the educational organization, through a well-formulated strategy, which help the Director to coordinate the resources of the institution toward a single position.

In the same way, Roca (2008, p. 219), believes that the strategies for the resolution of conflicts “are an important way to obtain superior quality results in education”, those are that reveal with a greater precision of the conflict as a process developed in the system of relations and interrelations of a social character, established between the subjects involved with the demands of the professional pedagogical activity aimed to characterize his work context in terms of the development of innovative activities aimed at the achievement of organizational objectives.

In this regard, the strategies for the resolution of conflicts according to Steiner (2007, p. 60), they conform “a process that allows to develop a formula of how the company, organization will compete, what its objectives should be and what policies will be necessary to reach those objectives", in that case, the school manager should use all the necessary strategies for the resolution of conflicts, among them are highlighted and grouped in: evasion, mediation and arbitration, in the framework of an open environment seeking to create an organizational culture.


The school management is a scientific discipline and social praxis that intends, according to Carrillo (2009), the success of an organization in terms of effectiveness (achieving the objectives in teaching, research, community management and relations with the community), efficiency (have and use the best way scarce resources granted and/ or generated to its interior), social effectiveness (lasting impact of the programs in the students, in the international community, in the external community, in society and the state in general). In this way, the school management must have skills, according to Chacón (2006):

“ obtain good results depends on their ability to appreciate, advise, teach, praise and constructively criticize teachers, through supervision in terms of achievement, and analysis of the results of school evaluation, assuming the goal of preparation Of the personnel in charge and the organization of the work that allows to improve the educative action”. (P. 53)

In this sense, the educational authorities used the educational administration as an effective tool for driving in the education sector the proposals given by the government and are responsible for the management of human and financial resources, at each educational level, depending on their demands. In this regard, educational processes and the management of the school organizations, according to Quintero (2013), must experience profound changes, rethink their approaches and methods to overcome the linear paradigm and build new ways of producing and/or acquire knowledge, as well as skills for conflict management in the institutions.


The performance of the school manager must be competitive, dynamic and creative, because they constitute an advantage which may have an organization to incorporate, in accordance with Kreitner and Kinicki (2012, p. 8) incorporate the quality in “the work done with or through other people; Its purpose is to achieve organizational objectives in an effective way”. By this, Madrigal (2012, p. 23) means “with the management it is sought to organize the members of the group; Coordinate, direct, lead and supervise their activities to obtain the desired results and goals”. Based on this idea, it strengthens the need for a suitable school manager to deal with any favorable or unfavorable situation and make appropriate decisions at the time for solving problems.

Therefore, the school manager requires a leadership that breathes the followers (directors, teachers, administrative staff, workers, students and community) to act in the achievement of the objectives. This encourages the expectations, according to Robbins and Coulter (2009), with the support given to their subordinates in order to achieve the goals by reducing obstacles and difficulties. However, there are different styles of school management as: leader director, leader supporter, participatory leader, leader oriented to achievements.


In the modern, globalized relations, for any manager, it is important to develop the ability to communicate with other people.

Initially, it is necessary to define what is meant by it. Below are some concepts on the communication according to Baena (2012, p. 8)

“is the action and effect of making another participant of what one has, discovering, manifesting or making known something, consulting, conferring with others a matter taking its opinion.”

Similarly, Huerta and Rodríguez (2012, p. 78) express that communication “comprises the transfer of meanings. If information and ideas have not been transmitted, communication has not been given.” This transfer is linked with the communication that normally occurs in the educational institutions, where the message is not successfully transmitted for the information of what you want does not arrive.

Indeed, the communication for Kreitner and Kinicki (2012, p. 300)

“es el intercambio de información entre el emisor y receptor, así como la inferencia (percepción) de significado entre ellos.”

This implies the importance of a transmitter and receiver and as is interpreted by those who receive the message bringing ambiguities and incorrect interpretations.

On this matter, the communication is transfer and comprehension of information between people. For Newstrom (2012, p. 45)

“Is a way of reaching another by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values."
Likewise, according to Thomson (2011, p. 56),
"Is the process by which the sender and the receiver establish a connection in a given moment and space to transmit, exchange or share ideas, information or meanings that are understandable for both.”

In the other hand, The written communication complements all these actions in the search for the solution of the conflict through the use of the communication ascending, descending, horizontal or side; you can perform using technologies like internet, extranet, e-mail, collaborative computation, videoconference, teleconference, electronic boards, social networks: Facebook, Twitter (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2012)


In the research aimed to analyze the handling of conflict through the school management in the educational institutions in the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, was used the quantitative methodology through the statistical processing of the data.

The type of research was descriptive, according to Tamayo and Tamayo (2005, p. 108), it

“and composition or processes of phenomena.”
The approach is made on dominant conclusions about how a person, group or thing driving or works in the reality. The research design, for Hernández and others (2008, p. 192)
“Is non-experimental for the variables under study, and that existing situations will be observed, determining their characteristics, without intervening or manipulating the context”.

Also it is transactional, according to Balestrini (2006, p. 78), due to “the variables are measured in a single moment in their natural state”. It is to say it was made in a single moment.

Similarly , it was a field study, to Hernández and others (2008, p. 65) for

“is performed in the place of occurrence of the phenomenon to study”

in that case this study collects the data directly from the subjects involved, teachers of all schools of the Parish Pulido Méndez of Alberto Adriani Municipality of El Vigía, Mérida State. The population was composed of 59 teachers of the Bolivarian educational units Josefa Camejo and Brisas Del Chama belonging to the Municipality Alberto Adriani Parish Pulido Méndez.

In this sense, the technique applied for getting the data was the survey, and the instrument was a test which according to Chávez (2007, p. 93)

“are structured documents or not, containing a set of items or items related to the indicators of a variable and the alternatives of responses”.

In this regard, it was developed an instrument for teachers, in order to assess the managers in the handling of the conflict through the school management, which validatedby experts and exposed to reliability by the alpha of Cronbach method, obtaining a value of 0,942, indicating that has very high reliability for the application, according with Hernández and others (2008) the technique for data processing was descriptive statistics, with measures of central tendency, mean and standard deviation.


The results obtained were processed and organized according to the questionnaires filled out by the population selected of the Bolivarian schools, Josefa Camejo and Brisas del Chama of Pulido Méndez Parishi, The information was tabulated with the computerized program SPSS, version 19.0; in this sense, to give an answer to the objectives of investigation referred to analyze the management of conflict through the school management in the educational institutions in the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, was applied the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, generating the data showed in the table 1:

Table 1.
Descriptiv Statistical. Types of conflict.

Dimension Types of conflicts 2,26
  Indicators   Individuals 2,44
Organizationals 2,12
Functionals 2,22
Disfunctionals 2,26
X Dimension 2,26 Desviatión 0,59

Fuente: Own (2015).

The results for the types of conflicts that are shown in the table 1, contains an average of 2.26 located in the low category with a deviation of 0.59, indicates low dispersion of the responses of the teachers, It Is interpreted that managers almost never identified the types of conflict, it furthermore appreciates, that individual conflicts have greater presence while the organizational have less positioning, situation that must call the reflection in the schools surveyed, because people are organized within the groups to search for a common goal, therefore the likelihood of conflict increases and puts at risk the attainment of the institutional goals.

In effect, the results for the types of conflict does not match Redorta (2004) who states that it is necessary to identify the different manifestations of the conflict in the relations between human beings of different nature or conditions, these can be conflicts between people, conflicts within the groups and conflicts between groups. The latter being the most destructive and may affect the performance of the people in the organizations.

It may be added that the individual disputes are those that have the greatest presence in the types of conflict, with an average of 2.44; followed by the dysfunctional and functional, where the organizational have less positioning, this result, matches with Lussier and Achua (2005, p. 48) because are “as the limitations that impede the achievement of organizational goals are therefore negative, however, they can be positive if the disagreement or the opposition supports the achievement of objectives”. In this sense, it is estimated that conflicts should be channeled in order to contribute to the performance of the educational organization. With regard to the strategies for the resolution of conflicts in the educational institutions of the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, data were processed by the responses of teachers surveyed, which are listed below:

Table 2.
Descriptive Statistic: Strategies for the conflicts solution

Dimension strategies for the conflicts Solution 1,97
Indicators Evasion 2,05
Mediation 1,81
Arbitration 2,06
 ẋ Dimension 1,97 Desviation 0,62

Fuente: Own (2015).

In Table 2 shows the average score in the strategies for the resolution of conflicts, with a value of 1.97, located in the low category, the deviation of 0.62 indicates that the dispersion of the responses was low, therefore these data imply that teachers believe that managers almost never use the strategies of conflict resolution to the situations presented in the schools. It is also noted that the arbitration and evasion are the strategies that are better positioned and mediation has a lower positioning in the strategies for the resolution of conflicts.

The result obtained in the strategies for the resolution of conflicts, does not match Roca (2008, p. 219) who defined them as “an important way to obtain superior quality results in education” those reveal with greater accuracy, that conflicts constitute a process developed in the system of relations and interrelations of a social nature, established between the subjects involved in the same and that affect the performance of the school organization, since it requires a balanced work climate depending on the common goals.

In this regard, the educational manager must promote a differentiated, continuous and committed learning, oriented to meet education in order to achieve a higher result in correspondence with the demands of the professional pedagogical activity in the context of employment. Mediate means to allow the other get benefit, respect, empathize, know yield and grant, search for agreements and points in common for achieve the organization objectives always depending on individual collective and institutional benefits. On this matter, below is presented in table 3, the summary obtained in the management of conflicts:

Table 3.
Descriptive Statistic: Handling of conflicts

Dimensions Media
Types of conflicts 2,26
strategies for the soluction of conflicts 1,97
X Handling of conflicts 2,1 Desviation 0,60

Fuente: Own (2015).

In Table 3 presents the data for the management of conflict, where it was obtained an average of 2.1 located in the low category, with a standard deviation of 0.60; indicates low dispersion of the responses issued by teachers who believe that managers almost never manage conflicts; it is also to be noted that the types of conflict have better positioning, while strategies for conflict resolution got less positioning, which makes it necessary to make the appropriate adjustments in order to improve the situation in the schools surveyed.

The result does not match with Cortés and Pérez (2011), who emphasize that the key word in any negotiation is the agreement, i.e. reach a sensible option freely by both parties, for not get to the power struggle between the members of the Organization. This means, to negotiate is to allow the other get the benefit, respect, empathize, know yield and grant, search for agreements and points in common in order to achieve the objectives of the organization always depending on individual benefit, collective and institutional.

Similarly, the result does not match with Roca (2008) who believes in the handling of conflicts through strategies for conflict resolution considered as "an important way to obtain superior results of quality in education". Therefore, the manager should promote a differentiated, continuous and committed learning, oriented to meet the organization, in the achievement of a higher result in correspondence with the demands of the professional pedagogical activity that characterizes its labor context. In the following table Number 4 are presented the results about styles of the manager.

Table 4.
Descriptive Statistic: styles of the school manager

Dimension Styles of the school manager 1,94
Indicators Director Leader 2,06
Supporter Leader 1,69
Participative Leader 2,01
Oriented to achievements Leader 1,98
ẋ Dimension 1,97 Desviation 0,62

Fuente: Own (2015).

The results for the styles of the manager school, are seen in table 4, it were obtained an average of 1.94 located in the low category, with a standard deviation of 0.62 indicates low dispersion of the answers, where the leader director as style of the school manager has greater positioning (2.06), followed by the participatory leader and oriented to achievements, while the supporter has the lowest positioning, implies that the directors almost never show a management style in the resolution of conflicts in the Bolivarian Schools of parish Pulido Mendez of this study.

In effect, the result obtained in the styles of the school manager does not match Mintzberg (2011), because the school managers must coordinate the teaching and administrative work, as well as relations with the community in order to maintain a job environment where it imposes the weighting in the development of educational projects oriented to learning of quality and to the solution of environment problems. This requires a leadership that will breathe the followers in order to carry out necessary actions to achieve the objectives.

In accordance with the foregoing, the style of the school manager determines the importance and priority of the information, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness processes in organizational school, must therefore undertake the actions intended to set the direction of the organization and to stimulate their staff, especially teachers, administrative employees, workers, students and community to work on the basis of achieving the educational quality.

With regard to the results for the styles of the communication of the school management of educational institutions in the management of the conflict in the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani of Merida State, after processing the information, was obtained as follows:

Table 5.
Descriptive Statistic: Styles of comunicatión of school management

Dimentión Styles of comunication of school management 1,90
  Indicators Ascendent communication 1,99
 Descendent communication 2,01
Lateral communication 1,69
 ẋ Dimention 1,90 Desviation 0,61

Fuente: Own (2015).

The results for the styles of the communication of the school management, as set out in table 5, has an average of 1.90; located in the low category with a deviation of 0.61 indicates low dispersion of the responses issued by teachers who felt that managers almost never use the styles of communication in the development of the management, it is appreciated that the communication descending is best positioned followed of the upward, while the horizontal has less positioning.

It may be added that another communicative strategy for the solution of the conflicts is to maintain a policy of open doors where employees, teachers, students and community have direct access to the boss in order to explain the problems. In the event of not being solved the problem, the person can go to a higher level, in order to be heard; all members of the organization of the school have the inherent desire to know the details of their place of work; the information is obtained by means of the communication between the members of the educational institutions. Briefly, it is shown the results of school management:

Table 6.
Descriptive Statistic: School managemet

Dimentions Media
Styles of School management 1,94
Communication Styles of School management 1,90
X Variable 1,92 Desviation 0,62

Fuente: Own (2015).

The table 6, presents the results for the school management, with an average of 1.92 located in the low category, the deviation was 0.62, indicates low dispersion of the response issued by teachers, the styles better positioned in the school manager obtained (1.94), while styles of communication is located in lower positioning, these data indicate that managers almost never use a style of school management or communication styles.

The results for the school management in the educational institutions in the Parish Pulido Méndez of the Municipality Alberto Adriani, do not match with Carrillo (2009), because it believes the school management or education as the scientific discipline and social praxis that aims to ensure the success of an organization in terms of effectiveness (achieving the objectives in teaching, research, community management and relations with the community), efficiency (have and use of the best way the resources granted and/ or generated to its interior), social effectiveness (lasting impact of the programs in the students, community internal, external and in the society and the state in general).

In this regard, the manager school, according to Quintero (2013), assumes the postulates of the leader transformer, stimulates and develops a climate of collaboration within the institution, contributes to personal and professional development of teachers, thus expanding the capacity of the school to solve problems, which is relevant to his contribution to the study object toward the school management as it requires significant changes and adjustments to skills in the management of conflict in the institutions, because the school manager must use the management style and communication adjusted to the context and the current trends in the education management.


In this regard, the manager school, according to Quintero (2013) assumes the postulates of the leader transformer, stimulates and develops a climate of collaboration within the institution, contributes to personal and professional development of teachers, thus expanding the capacity of the school to solve problems, which is relevant to his contribution to the study object toward the school management as it requires significant changes and adjustments to skills in the management of conflict in the institutions, because the school manager must use the management style and communication adjusted to the context and the current trends in the education management.

The results obtained indicate that requires a leadership oriented to breathe for teachers, students and other members of the community with communication styles defined in order to comply with the necessary actions in the school organization; so the recommendations are made that allow the manager to handling the conflict through the school management, applying the horizontal communication with agreed actions to carry out processes of conflict resolution with success and shared vision at the institutional level, through agreements in a team directed toward the achievement of the institutional objectives with a high level of quality.


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